Mobile purchasing habits in the US (Compete)
- 37% of US Smartphone users have made a (non-mobile) purchase on their handsets in the last six months.
- 19% have purchased music on their phones, 14% have bought books, DVDs or games, while 12% have purchased movie tickets.
- The amount that mobile users are willing to spend varies between handsets, with 32% of Android and 29% of iPhone users willing to spend $100 or more from their handsets, compared with 14% of Blackberry users.
Mobile purchasing habits in the US (ATG)
- 27% of all consumers used their mobiles to browse and research products at least four times over a 12 month period. For the 18-34 age group, this figure is 41%.
- 20% of all consumers and 32% 0F 18-34 year olds are researching purchases via mobile at least monthly.
- 13% of all consumers and 23% of the 18-34 age group make purchases via their mobile four times a year.
Mobile payments (Juniper)
- The market for mobile payments market is expected to quadruple by 2014, reaching $630bn in value, which equates to 5% of total e-commerce sales.
- The mobile payments market is worth $170bn so far this year.
Mobile commerce market size (ABI Research)
- The research firm predicts that in 2015, $119bn worth of goods and services will be purchased via a mobile phone.
- By ABI Research's count, mobile commerce tripled in the United States in 2009, but still only constituted a $1.2bn market.
- In Japan, which has one of the most vibrant mobile markets, mobile commerce exceeded $10bn in 2009.
Mobile internet usage (Essential Research)
- 47% of daily mobile internet users live in urban areas, while 42% of mobile internet users earn over £40,000 a year (household income) compared to 31% of non users.
- These daily mobile internet users are also more likely to spend more on their monthly mobile bills, 55% pay over £30 a month, compared to 10% of non users.
Smartphone usage (comScore)
- In the three month period ending in February 2010, 45.4m people in the U.S. owned smartphones, a 21% jump over November 2009.
- The fastest gainer in that segment is Google, whose Android platform rose by an impressive 5.2% in only three months.