Sacramento Press
Ron Cooper
Celebrating our tenth PCS year, Access Sacramento invites friends and supporters of local filmmaking to attend “A Place Called Sacramento” 2009. The world premiere of 12 short, local films will be Sunday October 4, 2009 at 1:00 PM at the Crest Theater big screen (1013 K Street) in downtown Sacramento. All seats are $10 and can be purchased at the Crest Theater box office, in the Access Sacramento offices or on-line at
PCS is a unique in the nation. Originating in the year 2000, PCS challenges local filmmakers to write ten-minute scripts about the people, places, and events that define our community. Local actors, film production crews, and interested volunteers combine their talents and explore a special spirit of neighborly cooperation. (details on-line at
In early spring, all script entries were reviewed by a panel of local film professionals and twelve were selected for production. The twelve 2009 movies will complete an even 100 films created by local artists in the past decade. The family-friendly scripts were first announced and introduced to actors and production teams at our “Cast and Crew Call” Wednesday, May 20, 2009. Teams were formed and films produced during the summer months. Finally, after weeks of hard work and great fun, we gather again to enjoy the World Premiere in the beautiful and refurbished CREST Theatre Oct. 4, 2009. We expect a full house of 900. Entire neighborhoods come to support “our film”.
To view the films completed in past PCS film festivals, go to the Access Sacramento Channel on and also to our web site
In the past nine years of PCS, 88 short films have been created. With these twelve we have “Ten Years – 100 Films”. Teams are comprised of volunteers and local professionals working together.
Access Sacramento is a nonprofit organization dedicated to using community media to encourage community-wide understanding and celebrate the art of digital storytelling in Sacramento County. With our television studio, radio and television production equipment, media lab, mobile production truck, and other gear, we train and manage hundreds of volunteers each year and share their work on cable radio and television channels 17 & 18 and stream all this audio and video programming on our web site. PCS is our major fundraising event for the year.